Monday, June 10, 2013

Weekly Blog #6

This blog post is for Thursday June 6, 2013. I did a full day in of observation of my new classroom. I observed 3 government lessons and 1 western civilization class which were all great. The students were working on a review for the final that they will take tomorrow and many of them have their graduation on Saturday. I was able to start talking with all of the kids right away and all of them were in very good spirits, probably due to the fact that there is less than a week left of classes. They all seemed very interested in why I was there and where I went to school. I was able to give 2 of the classes a brief little biography about some of my history and education up to this point. The students were very responsive and also very respectful. This new master teacher that I am observing is extremely well liked by all of the students and runs his classroom in a very relaxed type atmosphere. I really enjoy being in this type of classroom opposed to my last one where the teacher ran an extremely strict and organized class. I felt very comfortable from the time that I walked in the door in the morning until school ended in the afternoon. During the classes I walked around when the students were working in groups and was able to help them come up with answer that they were having difficulty with. For the most part the students were all very committed to their work and had most of the answers already completed for their review worksheets. During my teachers prep period he walked me around to some of his fellow social studies colleagues that were also on a break and introduced me to them, letting them know that I would be there for the following two quarters and to utilize me if they could. More or less, it was a fancy way of letting them know that they could put me to work if they wanted to. The entire faculty was very welcoming and it was a very refreshing feeling to have a purpose at a new school. I am very excited to finish the year out strong and am really looking forward to the next year.

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