Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Weekly Blog #5

I know it has been quite a while since I was able to blog about my classroom due to the fact that I have not been in a classroom for some time now. Today was a great day though, and I was replaced into a new classroom at a high school in a Senior classroom. I had the opportunity to observe a lesson from my new cooperating teacher and am extremely impressed with his knowledge and love for education. He truly is a master teacher in every sense of the term and has been teaching for 46 years. After the lesson that I observed he walked me through the office introducing me to all of the faculty and specifically the school principal. Both my cooperating teacher and the principal are alumni from Montana Grizzlies, and so had a little laugh at my expense being that I am and Eagle. It was all in good fun and actually helped lighten the mood quite a bit. From there we walked over the staff lounge and I was very impressed with the response that this teacher received from nearly every passing student. Everyone was very excited to see him, made a point to say hello and ask how he was doing and you could just tell the level of care and respect that was felt mutually between him and the students. We had a very good conversation that lasted for about an hour discussing various things such as the new common core as well as experiences that we both had in our lives as well as a number of similarities with our upbringing. He is a very great teacher, I can tell that just from the one lesson that I have observed so far. I am very excited to be observed by him as well as observe him and look forward to his input on my teaching strategies as well as the opportunity to pick his brain. It was a great day!!

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